As an experienced Business Consultant & Non-Executive Director, and Investor, I can help you develop your idea or existing business, into the great company you know it can be.
I have assisted numerous individuals and companies achieve their aims in a broad range of sectors including:
- App Development
- Healthcare/Medical Applications
- Marketing & Promotion
- Online Travel
- Online Accountancy
I look forward to assisting you with your venture.
ALAN MARKS. Your Non Exec Director.
Ever since I was a teenager, I have had my own businesses. I have, started ,run, built, sold and at times helped others run businesses of all shapes and sizes. I have a wide range of skills and a contact book that that can open doors to assist with your project. I have homes in London and the South-West of England and will be delighted to help you with your business venture.
As a Non-Executive Director/Chair, investor, trusted business advisor, consultant, or mentor I can help your business flourish. With experience across a wide range of industries, I will be delighted to assist you and your business or start-up venture in any way I can or through my network of connections.
On a day to day basis, I am proud of being the Managing Director of Harrison Spence Limited. I’ve being involved with the firm for more than 10 years and under my direction, we have built up an enviable reputation of assisting companies and individuals who work in the Retail Financial Services sphere. We specialise in Consultancy Mergers & Acquisitions within the sector. Away from Financial Services, I have built up a reputation as a trusted business adviser and, as mentioned, have a wealth of experience across many industries. and I have helped (and am currently helping) a diverse range of business grow and succeed. I have experience in many fields with both established and start-ups including:
• Online accountancy.
• Healthcare/medical applications.
• Marketing & promotion.
• Online travel.
• App development.
How can I help your business or idea?
My favourite role is that of a Non-Executive Director/Chair and I can certainly bring a creative contribution to any board. I can offer independent oversight and clear thinking and am known for my probing but constructive challenges to executive directors.
Start-up businesses have particularly found my input to be invaluable, especially in those difficult early days when an idea is moving from the “good Idea” to the “ potential great business “phase.
I would be delighted to hear from you on any aspect of business development and I am particularly keen to assist with businesses located in the South West/ M4 corridor/South East areas, however in these new times I am also currently working with two businesses based in Edinburgh through the use of IT options.
Please drop me a line using the contact form below or call me if you would like to discuss your ideas further.
I can offer you the business advice that you really need to know, those missing pieces of the jigsaw that can make your business a success. I can save your time and help you with, planning, product research, pitch development and making the essential preparations for a successful fund raise
I can help you with your exisiting business or new project
Whatever your business, I feel with my broad experience across many industries I will be able to help you achieve your goals. If you wish to have an informal chat, please do get in touch, I’ll be pleased to hear from you and learn about your ideas and plans.
To discover how I can help you and your business, please telephone my office or use my contact form and I will be in touch
Alan Marks
Lincombe Keep
Lincombe Drive
077 688 23700
I try to keep standard office hours
Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.00pm
I am happy to schedule calls at a time to suit you
from 8.00am to 8.00pm
Join me remotely using my video conferencing platform
If you would like to use this facility, please contact me first by clicking here and I will forward instructions.
Since March 2020, like most other business people, I’ve been conducting a good deal of meetings by video conferencing. Using my chosen online video conferencing platform, I’ve made it even easier for us to meet up and discuss projects without the need to travel, I can work around yours and my busy schedules.
We’ll schedule a time that works for all parties, and you’ll receive a meeting invite via email to use our chosen platform. Installation, if required is quick and easy, and once all parties are online, the meeting can begin.
If I’ve offered a verbal pre-planned meeting with yourself, with no invite, then simply click the button above to join me in our meeting room. Once I am online, our meeting will start.
If you would like to arrange an online meeting, then please, complete the online form and suggest a good time for you, please give me at least 24 hours notice. I’ll then come back to you and confirm a meeting time
Lincombe Keep
Lincombe Drive Torquay TQ1 2HQ